The new player experience has changed a lot in 3 years since I started playing and new characters on my main account get spoiled a lot by all the resources I have to offer them. But you know, I was also keen to experience the game again from scratch. I confess to making a second, free account to have a bit of nostalgia. An opportunity for old players to relive the newbie experience. For now that means you can join in on the original Guild Wars 2 for free, but with certain restrictions to prevent mischief. The paywall would be formidable! ArenaNet have foreseen this problem and have decided to charge for their latest expansion only, with the previous version going free.
#Guild wars 2 free to play level cap plus#
Imagine when Guild Wars 2 is on it’s 10th expansion or something, a brand new player having to buy the previous 9 expansions plus the core game just to join in.

Keeping the entry barrier low for new players.ĪrenaNet are pushing their latest expansion, Heart of Thorns, but they don’t want this massive paywall turning people off. ArenaNet have traditionally marketed Guild Wars 2 as buy-to-play and this hasn’t changed, so their entry into free-to-play is a little different to normal. I even got to meet the developers in 2007 at PAX, Seattle, way back in 2007 and they were a really great bunch of people. I’ve played the Guild Wars franchise for over 10 years now, so I know the game and I know the company.